Sports, Leisure & Cultural Facilities

High profile facility construction projects that can unite a community also carry serious risks: poorly structured financings can undermine any budget, and success typically depends on the delicate coordinated support of public and private entities.

Tailored to the specific needs of each of our clients in this sector, PFM has created innovative financing structures that make public-private partnerships successful for all stakeholders. PFM's working knowledge of local markets, local regulations and local political networks brings added value to every public purpose and assembly project. That's because obtaining the maximum amount of economic leverage for a high-profile project is not only about financing; it’s about the skillful coordination of relationships among numerous public and private interests. We have been a reliable partner in many projects of this type, and bring both our financial and our procedural expertise to the table on our clients’ behalf.

Our experience in this specialized area includes:

  • Arena, stadium and convention center financings
  • Financing of urban redevelopment projects and mixed-use developments
  • Project revenue-secured debt financings for sports facilities
  • Cultural facilities and concert venue credits
  • Hotel projects



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